Silke English
Business Chat Platforms (e.g. Slack, Microsoft Teams, HipChat) are used so all the internal communication is taken place in one standardized way. There are also many tools on the market, that are used to achieve the same with external communication. All the information is stored in the company’s business chat platform and is easily accessible for everyone who searches for it. Though, there is one important internal as well as external communication way that is not automatically available in writing: Phone calls.
Whereas the trend of having chatbots taking care of customer service for a business, verbal communication has and always will be mission-critical.
Business is still made over the phone! However, there is a problem when it comes to the documentation of your business calls. Well, it was. ;-)
Business chat platforms like Slack, allow integrating business online tools to have all of a company’s communication in one place. The voice-based communication was so far left out and had to be taken care of manually by each and every employee. Through Yodel, calls from external callers are for the first time integrated into a chat platform and documented automatically for everyone on the team to access. This makes it possible to search for callers and voicemails that may have been recorded.
The voice bot which is specially designed for SMBs’ external communication, asks callers who is calling and their reason for calling. The answer gets transcribed in real-time into the group chat and you see who was involved in the call and when.
It is smart to have all of a company’s communication documented in a way that every person who needs to have access to it, can find it within seconds. Yodel gives the possibility to be informed about phone calls and search for specific ones, without leaving your main communications tool you are already working in. This saves time since no one has to go through call logs and call protocols to find the information needed.