Silke English
We have some exciting news. Yodel’s ‘Ask for Reason’ Feature just got even better!
If you are not familiar with this feature yet: The ‘Ask for Reason’ Feature lets you see what the caller wants from you before you pick up the phone. This is awesome because you will always be prepared and know upfront what the caller needs from you or wants to have answered by you.
Whenever a number that is connected with Yodel is called, the voice-bot will welcome the caller and ask who is calling and for the reason of calling. Of course, you can choose yourself what exactly should be said, so you can assess the wording to fit your company’s need and give your caller the comfort of being taken care of right away.
This isn’t news, since Yodel can do this since October 2016… You need to know that we, here at Yodel, do not rest on our laurels. We keep improving Yodel not only by adding new features but also by constantly revising the ones we have already launched. This is how we can ensure you the best Yodel experience!
So, what is the fuss about?!
From now on forward, Yodel transcribes in REAL TIME right into your dedicated channel for your phone calls.
Don’t believe me? Just watch:
The new ‘Ask for Reason’ Feature enables you to react faster to incoming calls. You do not longer have to wait out until the caller has finished speaking, to see why the caller reaches out to you. This saves you time and increases your customer happiness. It’s a win-win!
For everyone who wants to know more about the ‘Ask for Reason’ Feature, Nina, our CCO, did a good job explaining it in her blog post:
Why are you calling me anyways?
Cover pic created by Kues1 —